Jai Swaminarayan.

I feel honoured and humbled to be the part of BAPS Swaminarayan Vidyamandir. The feeling of prestige and humility is because of the synergy and spiritual vibes around us.

It gives me immense pleasure to present the Almanac 2015-16 in your hands for the purpose of making you acquainted with the school rules and regulations and to make communication highly effective.

Education must not merely be the acquirement of facts but also values which help us improve the different facets of mankind. It must ensure that we leave the world a far better place than we found it. Therefore the system of education should work as a tool, to make each child a better human being.

We at BAPS Swaminarayan Vidyamandir believe that discipline is a must but it should be enforced by the hand in a soft glove. This helps students to develop their overall personality but at the same time remain focused on their goal. To achieve the goal they are trained in 4 'C's that is to have Confidence, Consistency, Control and Candid opinions.

I want to request the parents to support our efforts because our and your goals are no different. Please demonstrate trust and respect for the school, and its staff. The child will feel more secure if our relationship is more positive. Our doors will always be open for your positive suggestions, guidance and recommendations.

Our working together will develop and groom our children into mature individuals who can face the world with their heads held high.

I am sure that under the aegis of our motivating trusties, the collaboration of our insightful teachers and ignited minds of our students will do wonders and keep the flag of BAPS flying high.

Success will never lower its standards to accommodate us

We have to raise our standard to achieve it.

Varsha Karandikar

From the Principal
